All ZosialbrnadZ™ products are based on 3 main principles.

Eco-Friendly: Manufacture sustainable products. (products must avoid plastic and pernicious materials)

Minimalist: products should be simple, practical, and durable to avoid unnecessary waste. A correct value for money. Reduce maximization of choices – regard to quality and values.

Social: Gurantee fair working conditions for suppliers / coworkers.

Finance cultural and social events.

We understand that a responsible and fair FMCG company should create a range of products that are consumed on a daily basis. Produced according to moral and ethical values, towards the individual, the society and the environment.

Offer the consumer an alternative to the common corporation brands.

Allow the consumer to be part of the brand, the production the consumption and  marketing campaigns.

The products should focus on the social welfare. Not exclusively on profit.

The product must inform clearly the need that it fulfils and not lead the consumer to false believes, neither to generate desire, or increase the consumption of the product.

Each product or brand should subsidise a personal and social need.

The brands must minimise the environmental impact.

Brands must provide the right quality at a fair price.

Invest in global inteligence. Conferences, business projects,  and other activities that will help us to share the ideas of a responsible consumption and an equal wealth distribution. As well as how to avoid the pernicious products of the big corporations

Advocate the ideas of freedom for a fair and just society.

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Invest in new projects that are allgined with our values.

Crowdfunding of literature, education,  that will help to understand and promote a critical consumption.

“We need the people’s consensus, and therefore we must persuade by means of propaganda and example, we must educate and seek to change the environment in such a way that this education may reach an ever increasing number of people….”